Our specials class is a time we use to focus on a subject in depth. These are taught by our Specials teacher.​
Music Mondays
​Music class is where we introduce different kinds of instruments and ways to make sounds with our kids. Sometimes we use a guitar, sometimes we use our hands, and sometimes we use sticks. We also learn some cool new dance moves. By combining music and movement, kids will learn to control their bodies, keep rhythm, and work together.
Worship Wednesdays
Chapel is a time we all gather as a school family and listen to a story from the Bible. We learn about `making wise choices, being kind, being brave, and developing a deeper faith. We even get visits from our Pastors and Leaders from Crosspoint Church!

Physical Education Fridays
​Here at NGA we believe that physical education is important because it helps children develop motor skills, positively impacts cognitive development by promoting better concentration and focus, enhances social skills through group activities, and improves coordination and balance, all while laying the foundation for a healthy lifestyle later in life.