Procare Parent App
At Next Generation Academy, you have access to a best-in-class app that allows you to see all of your child’s activities, milestones, photos, and videos in one place.
Procare’s parent app is a solution developed by Procare, the No. 1 name in childcare software—used by more than 30,000 childcare businesses nationwide.
We know how important it is to stay up to date on your child’s learning journey, which is why we’re excited to offer you access to Procare Solutions’ best-in-class parent app.
What Can I See on the App?
Once you download the Procare mobile app, you can stay up to date on your child’s daily activities, milestones, and more! We can send you photos and videos of your child, as well as keep you in the loop on upcoming events and time-sensitive information. One great upgrade with ProCare Solutions Parent Engagement is that you will be able to communicate with your child’s teacher in real time. This will be helpful when you remember something after dropping off or if you need to check in on his/her day and want to send a quick message to the teacher. It will be another way to build communication between teachers and parents!
How do I get the app?
You will receive an email from Procare with a unique 10-digit code and instructions on how to download and log into the app. The email address you provided with your child’s enrollment packet is where the code and instruction’s will be sent. If you need to update your email address, please notify us immediately so we can update our system before the invite code is sent out. Your 10-digit code will be sent to your email.
We can create a portfolio containing pictures taken throughout the day. These pictures will be available for you to download, share, print or link to Facebook.